dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010

Opinoon of oral presentation


In my opinion, my oral presentation was quite good.
I was very nervous and that's the reason because I had to read the most of time. My presentation is getting better, because I had the feeling that my classmates could understand me.
I used a power point where we could see very expressive pictures to understand beter the situation, and the lives of this poor children.
In my point of view I do my oral presentations better alone than in group, because I don't think the rest of the group and I have more security with myself.

Children Explotation

The Children Explotation

Hi, my name is Mariana and I'm going to talk about one of most important problem in the wold, the children exploitation.

Children exploitation is the work that children do in any economic system of a country.Children exploitation is usual in counties in the development and countries with industrial management.


- All the children under 16 year old are considered children exploitation.

- Children that have to work compulsory and the salary goes to other persons.

- Children between 12 and 14 years old have to do dangerous works.

- Children that have to work with drugs and arms.

- Children that are working like slaves.

- They are compulsory to give their body for sexual attraction.


- Social exclusion and extreme poverty: The children have to work to give money for their family.

- Network of children exploitation: There are a small illegal companies. Who are organized to deal with children to take profit of them.

- Arm conflict: Children are victims of all type of abuse.

- For peer group pressure: Some children and teenagers work for their necessities and to survive, working in the major time at the streets.

- Negligence of their parents: It's a responsibility of they parents. It's happens normally with young parents.

- For orphans: That happens when the children don't have their parents, their feel lonely, and their start asking for money and to steal.

Around 246 millions of children are subject of children exploitation.And 171 million work in the dangerous situations. And this children earn ten times less than an adult.

Now I'm going to talk about sauth of Asia and Latin America because there are the continent with more children exploitation.

* In Sauth of Asia with more than 100 millions of children of this situations.In this region the 20% of the children are compulsory to work between 12 or 13 hours a day and their only earn between 15 and 20€ a month.The children work with out security and hygiene, so that the children can get ill very fast, and have illnesses like tuberculosis, anemia, breath problem...

* In Latin America, the gold industry has got 100 mines, where children from 5 to 7 years work very hard to earn 3€ a day.The salary of children suppose the 10-20% of the salary of the family.


- The long journeys and the poor conditions of the children work makes social and economics problems, like less work for the active habitats, because the children work as adults but for less money.- Their have visual and body problems, deformations, a lot of accidents and deaths.


- In Thailand has found an illegal paper industry, where 31 children were enslaved and made to has amphetamines to work during 18 hours a day.


This things makes me think about the situation in Spain.This kind of things doesn't exist in our country.I think that we could help this countries sending money to the families.Anyways, in my opinion children exploitation will always exist but we can reduce the number of the children that work in this situation.