divendres, 5 de març del 2010

oral presentation: SCOTLAND!

In my opinion , the speakind that I have done about Scotland is quite good. I have spend a lot time seareching for the information and is wosn't easy, because I had to translation all the information. That I have done without help from anybody. I know that I haven't used many connectors and my pronintation was bad but I have done all my best despite my problems with the english language.
In our work we have used a power point with was very colourfull, showing nice picture and music ( national Scotland himn's).
I'm conserned that I was very nervous, ans the speaking didn't go like I suspected, because the most of time I was reading.
I'm shure that the last seaking went much better, because I was alone and I wasn't depending from anybody.
But anyways I'm quit happy because I know that I can do it step by step

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